Bioenergy market quick facts
Bioenergy facts and figures
Bioenergy use
Information on the use of bioenergy in New Zealand is available from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment quarterly report on the use of energy in New Zealand. Annual energy use data is available here.
The Ministry undertakes future energy supply and demand modelling and produces a range of useful energy data resources and publications.
Energy use in New Zealand
The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) maintains an energy end use database. It allows users to drill down into how energy was consumed in various ways ranging from road transport to space heating from 2012-2014. You can search across up to three years, and by a range of categories – end use, fuel, sector, region, technology, transport and building
Feedstock sources
Information on the location of feedstocks suitable for production of bioenergy and biofuels are available from New Zealand biomass resources atlas - Volume 1 lignocellulosic residues and New Zealand biomass resource atlas - Volume 2 wastes and effluents.
Information specific to each technology type is found on the relevant bioenergy topic website - wood energy, biogas, or liquid biofuels.
Bioenergy quick facts
Bioenergy Association has summarised information on bioenergy production and use in New Zealand.
For information on bioenergy production and use in Australia see
For specific information on the production and use of wood energy, biogas, and liquid biofuels go to the relevant sector website.
Heat Plant Database
Clink on the link to access information on heat plant in New Zealand