Pacific & SE Asia opportunities
Pacific Bioenergy Working Group
The Bioenergy Association has established a Pacific Bioenergy Working Group. The objectives of the group are to facilitate sharing of bioenergy knowledge and experience across the Pacific. Specifically it focuses on the processing of waste to produce energy and the production of liquid biofuels from local organic and waste matter, in particular coconut oil, plastic waste and end of life tyres.
The Working Group has two areas of interest:
- Pacific production of liquid biofuels
Many of the Pacific island countries already have experience in the production of transport fuel from coconut oil. There is potential for other feedstock such as sugar bagasse in Fiji. Competition for coconut oil is high so individual countries should be focusing on how they can increase their coconut production. This requires an integration between liquid biofuel production, economic development and land use so needs to be led by the respective Governments. Bioenergy Association believes that with increased production of coconuts many Pacific Island countries could be 100% self sufficient in the production of biofuels for transport and electricity generation.
- Waste-to-biogas
Anaerobic digestion of organic waste can be undertaken with small or large sized digesters. Small digesters of household or village scale are ideal for outer islands as is being done in Tuvalu. Larger digesters can be installed to process larger quantities of organic waste in resort or more populated areas. Anaerobic digestion is a proven technology and within the capabilities of every Pacific Island country using already existing skills.
Bioenergy Association has partnered with the Pacific Community (SPC) to provide bioenergy and biofuels assistance across all Pacific Island countries. If you require assistance or advice on any Pacific bioenergy or biofuels matter //execurtive [at]">contac us.
South East Asia
South East Asia is an extensive user of biomass for heating but the market for biomass fuels is not well developed. S E Asia also has extensive opportunities for the processing of solid and liquid waste for the production of biogas.
Bioenergy Association is assisting Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) to develop the biomass energy market. APEC has an Energy Working Group which seeks to maximise the energy sector's contribution to the region's economic and social well-being, while mitigating the environmental effects of energy supply and use.
APEC aims to double the share of renewables in the APEC energy mix, including in power generation by 2030, as set out in the 2014 APEC Economic Leaders Declaration.
The opportunities for New Zealand consultants and equipment suppliers appears in the use of biomass for heat and the processing of organic enriched waste water to make potable water, fertilizer and biogas for the generation of electricity and use as a vehicle fuel.
Brian Cox (EO, Bioenergy Association) chairing a session at an
APEC biomass energy workshop in Vietnam (July 2016)