Position statements
"The Bioenergy Association is encouraged that the Government is aiming through the refresh of the NZEECS to address a number of the barriers to greater reductions in green house gas emissions by use of bioenergy. The Association agrees with the Government’s statement that ‘the public sector agencies can play a leadership role by directly reducing energy use and emissions, and incentivising wider action’. Coupled with the proposed actions of implementing procurement policies that take into account life-cycle costs of products and services public entities can showcase how renewable energy can reduce costs. Renewable energy is a long term investment and the current focus by government agencies of making investment based on lowest cost is not in the public interest.”
“The Bioenergy Association is recommending that the National Policy Statement on renewable electricity be extended to include renewable heat from solar, biomass and geothermal energy sources.”
Use the links below to view the Association's position statements, submissions and associated reports: