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Bioenergy Association members have a wide range of expertise and experience. Members wishing to upgrade their profile listing should use the template in the membership form.
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- Use the Interest Group filter - to search for members within an area expertise and competencies.
- Bioenergy Association members all sign up to the Code of Conduct and have undertaken training and networking experiences to be able to assist you.
- Bioenergy Association members must abide by the Code of Conduct, failure to do so maybe a basis for suspending or cancelling membership.
Look also for the registered advisers who have demonstrated that they meet the criteria for registration.
Gold member

Company profile & news:
Genesis Energy
Diversified New Zealand energy company
Gold member

Company profile & news:
Justsen Pacific
Solid fuel biomass boiler systems, electric/electrode boiler systems.
Gold member

Company profile & news:
Neste Asia Pacific
Renewable road transport and aviation fuels, renewable polymers and chemicals for the plastics industry.
Gold member

Company profile & news:
Forestry - Sawmilling
biomass supply
wood fuel supply
Gold member

Company profile & news:
Polytechnik Biomass Energy
Suppliers of advanced combustion solutions, heat and power plants, and emission control systems
Gold member

Company profile & news:
Wood Energy New Zealand
Chip, hog fuel, and pellet wood fuel supply. Boiler asset managers, owners, installers, and Heizomat agents through Pioneer Energy Ltd.
Gold member

Company profile & news:
Worley NZ
Professional services to the resources & energy sectors, and the complex process industries.
Engineering/Consultancy, operation and management, plant and equipment supply.
Anaerobic digestion, materials handling, Landfills, Digestate management, Biogas upgrading, bioLPG
Silver member

Company profile & news:
All Terrain Chipping
End to end land clearing, orchard removal, chip and mulch supply ,with fully mobile Horizontal Grinders and Chippers ranging from 750-1050HP
Silver member

Company profile & news:
Renewable energy, wastewater treatment, waste-to-energy
Silver member

Company profile & news:
Gas transmission, gas distribution, gas storage, LPG supply and distribution, biogas, bioLPG
Silver member

Company profile & news:
Ecogas Limited Partnership
Owner / Operator of commercial anaerobic digester facilities in New Zealand
Silver member

Company profile & news:
Gifford Consulting
Consulting services related to the utilisation of woody energy and feedstocks
Silver member

Company profile & news:
Grain Tech
Design, manufacture or supply, installation, commissioning, after sales service
Silver member

Company profile & news:
Living Energy
Advice regarding wood-based energy solutions, including cost-effective wood storage and recovery
Silver member

Company profile & news:
LMS Energy
Landfill biogas, biogas innovation, renewable energy, power generation, flaring
Silver member

Company profile & news:
Nature's Flame
Manufacturer and supplier of premium wood pellet fuel
Advice and support for heating, conversions, co-firing and support
Silver member

Company profile & news:
NZ Bio Forestry Ltd
Transforming plantation forestry biomass into bio-fuels, bio-chemicals and innovative materials that can dramatically reduce the need for fossil fuels.
Silver member

Company profile & news:
At Powerco, we’re committed to creating a sustainable energy future.
Silver member

Company profile & news:
Pump Systems
Equipment providers
Design and supply of sludge tank and digester mixing systems
Sludge and air to water heat exchangers
Wastewater filters and valves for a diverse range of industries