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Bioenergy Association members have a wide range of expertise and experience.  Members wishing to upgrade their profile listing should use the template in the membership form.

Searching for an expert

  • Use the Interest Group filter - to search for members within an area expertise and competencies.
  • Bioenergy Association members all sign up to the Code of Conduct and have undertaken training and networking experiences to be able to assist you.
  • Bioenergy Association members must abide by the Code of Conduct, failure to do so maybe a basis for suspending or cancelling membership.

Look also for the registered advisers who have demonstrated that they meet the criteria for registration.

Silver member
Company profile & news: SGS NZ
Activities: Laboratory testing.
Silver member
Company profile & news: Southern Chipping Services
Activities: Supply of high-quality wood biofuel. Chip processing of logs and slash, supply and transport of biofuel products.
Silver member
Company profile & news: Vortex Engineering Group
Activities: Designers, manufacturers and installers of pollution control systems
Silver member
Company profile & news: Windsor Engineering
Activities: Design, build, installation, commissioning and servicing of innovative solutions for biomass heat and energy plant at any scale
Bronze member
Company profile & news: AgriFood Consultancy Services
Activities: Quality system auditor, quality system designer
Bronze member
Company profile & news: Aica NZ Ltd
Activities: Adhesive and other industrial chemicals manufacture and supply.
Bronze member
Company profile & news: Air New Zealand
Activities: Biofuel user
Bronze member
Activities: Ethanol producer and wholesaler
Bronze member
Company profile & news: Apricus Eco Hot Water & Heating
Activities: Designer, distributor and installer of sustainable central heating and hot water systems using OkoFEN Easypell & Pellematic wood pellet boilers, Apricus evacuated solar tubes and Reclaim CO2 hot water heat pumps.
Bronze member
Company profile & news: Armatec Environmental
Activities: Designers, manufacturers and suppliers of world-class industrial fibreglass (FRP/GRP) products and odour pollution and corrosion control solutions.
Bronze member
Company profile & news: Arxada Wood Protection NZ
Activities: Manufacture and supply of wood preservatives.
Bronze member
Company profile & news: BIOGEST (Smart bioservices GmbH)
Activities: Biomethane and biogas plant manufacturer
Bronze member
Company profile & news: Blended Fuel Solutions NZ Ltd
Activities: Service provider, technology developer
Bronze member
Company profile & news: Camfil New Zealand
Activities: Air filtration, molecular filtration, environmental and process air scrubbing systems, air testing and validation, site services, design and build for custom gas scrubbing systems.
Bronze member
Company profile & news: Canterbury Landscape Supplies
Activities: Manufacturer and supply of wood based fuels
Bronze member
Company profile & news: Cetogenix Limited
Activities: Divert organic wastes from landfills and other disposal routes to produce sustainable low-carbon economic alternatives to fossil-derived gas and materials.
Bronze member
Activities: Wood fuel recovery and supply
Bronze member
Company profile & news: City Firewood
Activities: Wood fuel supplier
Bronze member
Company profile & news: Conhur Ltd
Activities: Biosolids dewatering, transport and transformation. Anaerobic digestion. Pyrolysis
Bronze member
Company profile & news: Cuddon Ltd
Bronze member
Company profile & news: Dahuti International
Activities: wood pellet supply
Bronze member
Company profile & news: DETA Consulting
Activities: Optimisation of business performance - cost saving across utility, waste, yield improvements.
Bronze member
Company profile & news: Dobbie Engineers
Activities: Mechanical engineering consultants
Bronze member
Company profile & news: Drummond & Etheridge
Activities: Construction, forestry, agriculture, John Deere equipment.
Bronze member
Company profile & news: efuel Pacific Ltd
Activities: Development of synthetic fuel plants in New Zealand, then supply of synthetic fuel.
