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Bioenergy Association members have a wide range of expertise and experience. Members wishing to upgrade their profile listing should use the template in the membership form.
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- Use the Interest Group filter - to search for members within an area expertise and competencies.
- Bioenergy Association members all sign up to the Code of Conduct and have undertaken training and networking experiences to be able to assist you.
- Bioenergy Association members must abide by the Code of Conduct, failure to do so maybe a basis for suspending or cancelling membership.
Look also for the registered advisers who have demonstrated that they meet the criteria for registration.
Silver member

Company profile & news:
Southern Chipping Services
Supply of high-quality wood biofuel.
Chip processing of logs and slash, supply and transport of biofuel products.
Silver member

Company profile & news:
Vortex Engineering Group
Designers, manufacturers and installers of pollution control systems
Silver member

Company profile & news:
Windsor Engineering
Design, build, installation, commissioning and servicing of innovative solutions for biomass heat and energy plant at any scale
Bronze member

Company profile & news:
AgriFood Consultancy Services
Quality system auditor, quality system designer
Bronze member
Company profile & news:
Aica NZ Ltd
Adhesive and other industrial chemicals manufacture and supply.
Bronze member

Company profile & news:
Anchor Ethanol (a division of Fonterra Co-operative Group)
Ethanol producer and wholesaler
Bronze member

Company profile & news:
Apricus Eco Hot Water & Heating
Designer, distributor and installer of sustainable central heating and hot water systems using OkoFEN Easypell & Pellematic wood pellet boilers, Apricus evacuated solar tubes and Reclaim CO2 hot water heat pumps.
Bronze member
Company profile & news:
Armatec Environmental
Designers, manufacturers and suppliers of world-class industrial fibreglass (FRP/GRP) products and odour pollution and corrosion control solutions.
Bronze member
Company profile & news:
Arxada Wood Protection NZ
Manufacture and supply of wood preservatives.
Bronze member

Company profile & news:
BIOGEST (Smart bioservices GmbH)
Biomethane and biogas plant manufacturer
Bronze member
Company profile & news:
Blended Fuel Solutions NZ Ltd
Service provider, technology developer
Bronze member

Company profile & news:
Camfil New Zealand
Air filtration, molecular filtration, environmental and process air scrubbing systems, air testing and validation, site services, design and build for custom gas scrubbing systems.
Bronze member

Company profile & news:
Canterbury Landscape Supplies
Manufacturer and supply of wood based fuels
Bronze member

Company profile & news:
Cetogenix Limited
Divert organic wastes from landfills and other disposal routes to produce sustainable low-carbon economic alternatives to fossil-derived gas and materials.
Bronze member

Company profile & news:
CID Resource Recovery (t/a Green Gorilla)
Wood fuel recovery and supply
Bronze member

Company profile & news:
Conhur Ltd
Biosolids dewatering, transport and transformation.
Anaerobic digestion. Pyrolysis
Bronze member
Company profile & news:
Cuddon Ltd
Bronze member

Company profile & news:
DETA Consulting
Optimisation of business performance - cost saving across utility, waste, yield improvements.
Bronze member

Company profile & news:
Dobbie Engineers
Mechanical engineering consultants
Bronze member

Company profile & news:
Drummond & Etheridge
Construction, forestry, agriculture, John Deere equipment.
Bronze member

Company profile & news:
efuel Pacific Ltd
Development of synthetic fuel plants in New Zealand, then supply of synthetic fuel.