2019 Just Transition Summit
Register now - be a part of this important conversation
The Prime Minister first discussed the suggestion of a Just Transition Summit in May 2018.
An exciting programme and several speakers for the first 'Just Transitions Summit' have been announced and registrations are now open.
The Just Transition Summit will be held in Taranaki on Thursday 9 and Friday 10 May 2019 and has been designed to provide practical information and inspiration that attendees can use to start planning their own changes as we move towards our low carbon future.
The Summit will be an opportunity to bring youth, Māori, workers, businesses, communities and local and central government together to kick-start a national conversation about what a just transition to a low emissions economy is and what it could look like for New Zealand.
Don’t miss this opportunity to have your voice heard and to hear the voices of local and international experts on some of the most important questions of our lifetime.
Registration details
Registrations are now open. See details here www.justtransitionsummit.nz/
or email Just Transitions Unit on jtu [at] mbie.govt.nz