Bioenergy Association Annual General Meeting 2022

Tuesday, 6 December 2022
online (Zoom web conferencing)

This is a formal announcement to Bioenergy Association members of the AGM to be held at 4pm on 6th December by Zoom meeting link.

  • AGM papers and Zoom meeting link are  available here
  • Members are invited to make nominations of themselves or others for a position as a Board Member. There are seven positions to be filled.  
  • Information on the role and activities of the Board are available here 

If you wish to participate in providing direction to the association and its activities you should put yourself forward as a board member by brian.cox [at] (subject: Request%20to%20join%20the%20BANZ%20Board) (emailing the Executive Officer).  

The bioenergy and biofuels sector is currently in a massive growth phase and the experience of Board Members is very important for ensuring that participants in the sector provide products and services which meet best practice.  Also, if you wish to be directly advocating to Government on policies and standards you should be a member of the Board.