Bioenergy Association Annual General Meeting

Thursday, 14 December 2023
online via Zoom

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Bioenergy Association AGM

Notice is hereby given that the Bioenergy Association AGM will be held at 4:00pm on 14 December via Zoom all members are invited to attend.

  • Agenda, Meeting papers and Zoom meeting link can be found in the members section of the Bioenergy Association website. [You will need your member login to view these documents - Please admin [at] (subject: BANZ%20AGM%20enquiry) (contact us) if you need assistance to login].
  • Nominations are open for the eight Board Directors who provide governance of the association.
  • Contact the Association Executive Officer if you are interested in being a Board member and influencing the Association advocacy and other activities.

Register your attendance to the AGM here

Briefing on the status of the bioenergy sector

Notice is given that a webinar entitled 'Bioenergy update - providing New Zealand with energy security and well-being', will be held at 3:00pm on 14 December. 

Brian Cox, Executive Officer of the Bioenergy Association will provide a briefing and host discussion of the status of the New Zealand bioenergy and biofuels sector. The briefing is open to members and the public.

Over the last year there has been significant progress to getting bioenergy and biofuels recognised as a main stream energy source. The drivers for bioenergy have strengthened so the sector is now demand driven whereas for the previous 20 years the sector was supply driven.

If you want to understand what is driving demand for bioenergy you should read the briefing papers to incoming Government Ministers (see below) and attend this briefing.

Briefing papers to incoming Government Ministers

Bioenergy Association has provided written briefings to the incoming NZ Government Ministers:

  • Agriculture
  • Energy
  • Environment
  • Forestry
  • Regional and Economic Development
  • Transport

The briefing to incoming Ministers from the wood industries Pan Sector Forum is available here.