Bioenergy Association AGM and Bioenergy Focus Sessions
This is a Notice to Members of the Bioenergy Association (BANZ) The Bioenergy Association AGM will be held from 2.30pm to 3.00pm on Thursday, 11 November 2021 via GoToMeeting link. The AGM will be preceded by a Bioenergy Focus Session which is an opportunity to engage with the Board and get a briefing on the bioenergy and biofuels sector. |
11 November 2021
1:00PM - Bioenergy Focus Session
With the release of draft policies from Government (Low emissions stationary heat, transport biofuels mandate, waste strategy, promotion of circular and bioeconomy, Emissions Reduction Plan) the Bioenergy Association has now achieved much of what we have been advocating for over the last decade. We now enter a new phase where we need to ensure the draft policies are enacted and that the regulatory environment is appropriate.
The Interest Group Convenors will provide an update of the activities and priorities for each of the Association’s three bioenergy streams and a representative of the Board will outline how the Bioenergy Association should position itself for the next phase of sector development.
2:30PM - Annual General Meeting
Members are invited to nominate individuals with bioenergy and biofuels experience to be Board Members of the Bioenergy Association. The Board is responsible for governance and strategic direction of the association. Operational activities are initiated and managed through the Interest Groups. Nominations should be send to the Executive Officer up to mid night on the 10th November.
It is proposed that the size of the Board be increased to seven. This will be recommended to the members at the AGM.
Members are invited to raise matters of general business prior to and at the AGM.