Bioenergy and Biofuels Sector briefing

Tuesday, 6 December 2022
online (Zoom web conferencing)

Prior to the AGM to be held on 6th December 2022, the Bioenergy Association Board and Convenors of each of the Interest Groups will provide a brief overview on what policies and programmes have been announced and what Government is working on which relates to the bioenergy and biofuels sector.

2022 has been such a significant year for the bioenergy and biofuels sector. There has been more policy and programme activity across liquid, solid and gaseous biofuels in this year than has occurred for the previous 21 years. Government has developed, or is developing policies and programmes which will have a big impact on the business of each participant in the sector. It is time to take stock of what policies and programmes have been announced and what Government is working on. The Association Board invites members (and other interested parties) to a briefing to be held on 6 December at 3pm prior to the association’s AGM.

Registration for the briefing is free, however, you will need to register your intention to attend. 

The presentations will be followed by a summary of the Board’s recommendations on how the sector should position itself for the next phase of development.

Copies of the Association’s Chair and Executive Officers Reports to be presented at the AGM will be available here to provide context of what the association has done and achieved in the previous year and their views on the challenges ahead. (Reports yet to come)

Members and other interested parties are invited to discuss the activities of the sector, its priorities and focus for the coming year.