Webinar: Producing quality digestate biofertiliser
The production of digestate biofertiliser as a co-product of recycling waste organic material into biogas and biomethane is now a reality with the first trades in biogas and biofertiliser having occurred.
To achieve maximum income for producers, biofertiliser needs to be consistently safe for application to land.
Bioenergy Association has established the criteria for safe biofertiliser and has established a scheme for accreditation of producers. The accreditation scheme is based on producers demonstrating to a third-party auditor that the digestate they produce consistently meets the criteria.
Assurance to digestate users that the digestate they purchase is compliant with the quality criteria will increase its value and encourage its use as a quality fertiliser.
The Digestate Biofertiliser Accreditation Scheme will also assist new producers to identify best practice.
Attendees will get an introduction to:
- The criteria for digestate to be recognised as a quality fertiliser
- The Digestate Biofertiliser Accreditation Scheme
- The requirements for feedstock
- How to make application for accreditation.
Digestate from anaerobic digestion of waste organic material is a high-quality fertiliser
Registration details
The webinar will be held via Zoom. Please use the following link to register
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About the presenter
With over 25 years’ experience in the public and private organic waste recycling sector, Elena brings extensive experience and knowledge across a number of areas including operations, resource consenting and undertaking and delivering on various organics research projects.
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