Webinar: Experiences from the last decade of installing biomass-fuelled heat plant and emerging technologies relevant to Australasia

Tuesday, 12 March 2024
via Zoom link


About the webinar

Over the last decade, an increasing amount of biomass boilers have been installed to replace fossil-fuelled boilers or for new applications.

During that period, leading providers gained a lot of learnings, so today, tailored wood and biomass-fuelled heat plants are a future-proof, reliable and profitable investment installed by experienced companies.

Advanced energy and carbonisation plants available in the market are generally imported from large international manufacturers with a wide range of systems and sizes to utilise solid biomass residues available locally. The experience and skills of the local subsidiaries of industry leaders ensure equipment customisation to meet specific consent conditions and operational requirements, thereby providing high efficiency and reliability.

This webinar will discuss the latest technologies and potential solutions, including fuel-particular supply methods and customer-specific operations, investors should consider before deciding on a specific system.

Potential heat and carbonisation plant investors and biomass residue providers should attend this webinar to understand the latest technologies and the important attributes of different residues and systems before purchasing their energy systems or providing renewable biomass fuels.

Registration details

The webinar will be held via Zoom, please use the following link to book your place at the webinar.

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About the presenter

Christian Jirkowsky pictureChristian Jirkowsky is General Manager at POLYTECHNIK Biomass Energy.

Christian has over 40 years of experience in areas such as: Power and Heat Generation via Biomass and Fossil Fuels, Emission Control and Heat Recovery Systems; and markets such as Europe, Asia, Oceania and Americas.  Proficiency in Mechanical and Performance Engineering as well as in Team Building and Leading. Bilingual in German and English.