Webinar: Short rotation forestry for bioenergy
Register now and find out more about short rotation forestry and the opportunities integrated agriculture and farm forestry can provide landowners.
About the webinar
Short rotation forestry can provide a multitude of benefits to the environment and the economy as well as produce biomass suitable for solid biofuel or liquid biofuels.
The increasing demand for biomass to produce bioenergy is providing incentives for farmers and forestry companies to look at integrated land use for agriculture and farm forestry to produce revenue to improve farm business resilience.
Short rotation forestry enables bioenergy generation in in line with government timescales for ‘Net Zero’ emissions, while also allowing economically marginal land types to be used productively to create revenue.
In this seminar, Alan will present the results of three years’ study from Scion on short rotation forestry, demonstrating the benefits of this form of bioenergy and how landowners can consider a move towards investing in this area.
Related information:
Short Rotation Forestry Guide – a 2-year research project by Scion on the opportunities for regional New Zealand to adopt short rotation forestry for bioenergy production as a handbook. View handbook here
Registration details
This webinar will be held online via Zoom. Please use the link below to register
Zoom Link | View webinar flyer
About the presenter
Dr Alan Jones has 19 years’ experience in research on climate change and carbon dynamics impacts to a range of forested systems around the world.
Since joining Scion from the UK five years ago, his work has focused on addressing climate change related forest challenges in New Zealand, through economic and biophysical research.