
The efficient use of energy is critical to our drive to create a sustainable dairy industry and to our commitment to dairy excellence.
Processing in excess of 20 billion litres of fresh milk a year around the world is energy intensive. By using this important resource responsibly and efficiently, Fonterra aims to mitigate its energy costs, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and to support farmers in reducing their on-farm costs.
Fonterra’s energy is generated from a range of sources. Fonterra uses primarily two types of energy; electrical and thermal. The thermal energy is generated from either: coal, gas, light fuel oil (LFO), or biogas fuel sources, or from on-site co-generation facilities.
Fonterra is committed to looking for innovative ways to optimise its energy mix towards cleaner, more efficient forms of energy, while continuing to reduce consumption. Fonterra continues to investigate the feasibility of technologies with the potential to reduce emissions and contribute to its energy efficiency and that of its farmers.
Fonterra has a fundamental requirement for a reliable cost effective source of energy to continue to operate its manufacturing plants efficiently.
- linda.thompson [at] (Email Linda Thompson) - Energy Manager
- tony.oosten [at] (Email Tony Oosten) - Energy Manager
Links to capabilities and other information about the company
- Submission - Climate Change Commission Draft recommendations
- Fonterra - CCC - coal announcement - media release
Bioenergy focus
- Wood biomass
- Biogas
- Biofuel
Bioenergy Association Interest Groups
- Wood energy
- Biogas
Contact: Tony Oosten or Linda Thompson