Greenhouse gas reductions

How much can bioenergy reduce GHG emissions?

Energy from woody biomass can be very positive for the climate, particularly when applying sustainable forest management practices, and when the biomass is used to replace use of fossil fuels

Carbon netural

The ICCP has declared that the combustion of wood is carbon neutral provided that the harvested wood is replanted within a short time. This is often referred to as rotational forest management. However the carbon intensity of wood fuel increases above zero when carbon is emitted when the biomass is harvested, transported and converted into a biofuel.

Harvested wood products

Harvested wood products (HWP) are products made from timber such as furniture or the framing for buildings. These products bring benefits to New Zealand by mitigating climate change through carbon storage. The The NZ Government has been consulting on proposals to recognise and incentivise the carbon stored in these products within the NZETS.

For information on the options being considered click here.