Ngāi Tahu Forestry
Bronze member in categories Forest owner/harvester
Contact: Forestry Admin
By email:
By phone: +64 (0)3 371 2656
Company activities:
Harvesting and log supply
Ngāi Tahu Forestry was established in 2000 when Ngāi Tahu Holdings Corporation purchased land subject to Crown Forestry licences. The Ngāi Tahu Forestry portfolio now comprises approximately 54,000 ha of land and forestry interests located in North Canterbury, Otago and the West Coast.
Our business activities include:
- Forestry operations – harvesting and log supply to various domestic and export markets
- Lease and access arrangements for mining and other activities
- Carbon Forestry
- Rural land development
- Proseed NZ Limited – Production and supply of improved selective seed to the forestry industry and nurseries predominantly throughout New Zealand and Australia
Contact: Forestry Admin
By email:
By phone: +64 (0)3 371 2656
Company activities:
Harvesting and log supply