ACVM Notice: Fertiliser, Plant Biostimulants and Soil Conditioners


This notice specifies requirements that supplement the regulations for the person(s) responsible for the compound to ensure that the conditions for exemption are met.


The Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act 1997 (the Act) provides that no agricultural compound may be used (including imported, manufactured, or sold) in New Zealand unless that use is authorised by or under the Act. Under the Act an agricultural compound is authorised for use if it is registered (as a trade name product) or exempt from the requirement to be registered.

The Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines (Exemptions and Prohibited Substances) Regulations 2011 (the Regulations) exempts certain agricultural compounds, including fertilisers (Schedule 2, entry 42), plant biostimulants (Schedule 2, entry 43) and soil conditioners (Schedule 2, entry 44), from registration under the Act. However, the exemption is valid only if the agricultural compound complies with any relevant conditions specified in the Regulations.

Regulations 7-13 of the Regulations prescribe conditions of general application to exempt agricultural compounds, including specifying that exempt agricultural compounds must be:

  • fit for their intended purpose; and
  • manufactured in accordance with a documented system; and
  • supplied with certain information.

Although regulatory assessment is not necessary for exempt agricultural compounds, it is essential that the person(s) responsible for the compound takes steps to ensure that they always comply with the conditions of exemption specified in the Regulations.

The ACVM Notice: Agricultural Compounds Exempt from Registration sets requirements that amplify the manner in which the requirements of the Regulations may or must be achieved, for all exempt agricultural compounds.

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