Report: Assessing the environmental performance of biomass supply chains

Authors: Jörg Schweinle, Anne Rödl, Pål Börjesson, Daniel G. Neary, Johannes W.A. Langeveld, Göran Berndes, Annette Cowie, Serina Ahlgren, Manuele Margni, Caroline Gaudreault, Jake Verschuyl, T. Bently Wigley, Kirsten Vice and Brian Titus

Assessing the environmental performance of biomass supply chains imageThe current discussion about sustainability of biomass in the on-going public debate and political arena is mainly about environmental performance and more specifically climate impact of biomass cultivation and use. But is impact on the climate all that matters? Are other potential impacts on water, soils or biodiversity negligible?

The authors of this publication don’t think so. This publication aims to broaden the debate, raise awareness and provide state of the art information on environmental impacts of biomass supply chains, how to assess them and what the challenges and limitations are. 

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