Better fuel for cleaner air

Ministerial Forum on Vehicle Emissions - Draft regulation impact statement, January 2018

The quality of Australian fuel affects the quantity and type of emissions from our vehicles. It directly and indirectly influences the quality of the air we breathe and the amount of greenhouse gas in our environment. Improving Australia’s fuel standards would enable vehicles and their emission control systems to operate effectively and facilitate the adoption of better engine and emission control technologies.  To reduce the impacts of noxious vehicle emissions, Australia has historically adopted increasingly stringent European vehicle emissions standards. 

This early assessment regulation impact statement (draft RIS) will form the basis of consultation with stakeholders about possible changes to legislative instruments made under the Fuel Quality Standards Act 2000 (Cth) (the Act). 

These instruments include the fuel quality standards for petrol, diesel, autogas (LPG), biodiesel and ethanol (E85); information standards for ethanol in petrol and E85; the Fuel Quality Standards Regulations 2001 (Cth); and the guidelines for the Register of Prohibited Fuel Additives. In addition, a new fuel quality standard is proposed for a B20 diesel-biodiesel blend. Changes are proposed to many parameters in the five fuel standards, most notably, to levels of sulfur, aromatics and possibly octane in petrol, as well as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and cetane in diesel.

The current set of legislative instruments, including the fuel quality standards, are due to sunset (cease to have effect) in 2019.

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