EECA Report: Acceptance of the Use of Biodiesel Fuels in Vehicle and Engine Applications in NZ
Acceptance of the Use of Biodiesel Fuels in Vehicle and Engine Applications in New Zealand, a report by Andrew Campbell, September 2010
This report was commissioned by EECA to better understand the compatibility of biodiesel and biodiesel blends for use in engines and to identify which engines and vehicles were deemed by the original engine manufacturers to be compatible with the use of blends with higher biodiesel content. Responses were obtained through meetings, telephone and email communications with the New Zealand franchisees or agents of engine manufacturers. Supporting technical information was obtained through, amongst others: the author’s own experience working with and testing various fuels and engines (over 25 years); literature searches; and discussions with engine development engineers, fuel test laboratory personnel, and diesel injection equipment service providers. This report collates the various responses from the engine manufacturers, using the supporting information to attempt to explain the various positions taken.
In summary, for New Zealand, engine manufacturers of light vehicles generally accept the use of blends containing up to 5% biodiesel, but often refer to the European standard for the biodiesel component (EN 14214) and not the New Zealand specification (as provided by the Engine Fuel Specification Regulations 2008).
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