Biogas from green and putrescible waste in New Zealand
Biogas - comparison of systems, a report by Jo Knight, Zero Waste New Zealand Trust
This paper introduces two processes, the ‘Aikan’ system and the ‘Kompogas’ system, both developed in Europe, but which the author suggests should be considered as an end process for kitchen and green wastes in some of the larger population bases in NZ. Mention will also be made of 2 the ‘Dicom’ process presently being developed in Perth. These anaerobic digestion systems produce a biogas for conversion to power and heat, as well as resultant compost components. Both processes take a range of organic material, however the Aikan process appears more robust in its ability to accept biosolids and has been deliberately built to deal with the machine wrecking rocks and skateboards that are a problem with in-coming feedstock.
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