Case Study: Froling 200kw boiler - Takitimu School
Longterm cost effectiveness, efficiency and environmental sustainability lead Takitimu School to switch from donated coal to wood chips.
Creating a "toasty warm" school
Takitimu School principal Lindsay King said when it came to assessing the school’s future heating options wood energy won hands down for long-term cost effectiveness, efficiency and environmental sustainability.
The school had been using coal kindly donated by Solid Energy then later Nightcaps Coal until the boiler failed leaving the 110 students reliant on electricity as the primary heat source for two winters.
The old boiler, which had been in use for many years, was temperamental for a long time before it finally conked out, King said.
He took into consideration a recommendation from the Ministry of Education, which had been investigating the most sustainable and inexpensive heating sources for schools.