Changes in Victorian attitudes and perceptions of the waste and resource recovery sector: 2016 to 2019

Engaging Communities on Waste project

The 2019 CSIRO Victorian Attitudes to Waste Management survey measured community attitudes and perceptions about waste and the waste and resource recovery sector, comparing results to 2016. In the 2019 survey we also investigated attitudes and perceptions of waste to energy.

This report documents the changes in attitudes over the three‐year period and models the drivers that underpin trust and social acceptance of both the waste and resource recovery and waste to energy sectors. The report also documents changes in waste reducing behaviours currently undertaken in respondent households.

These research findings provide an evidence base for matters that are important to communities with respect to waste, the waste and resource recovery sector, and waste to energy. This evidence base provides opportunities for government and industry to focus their initiatives on areas that can drive waste reducing behaviour, and increased trust and acceptance of the sector, its infrastructure, and activities. Making changes in these areas support sustainable waste management solutions and better outcomes for Victorian communities.  

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