Characterisation of food waste derived biofertiliser (DBPAS 10)
A literature review of the characterisation of biofertiliser, including aspects related to:
- A description of food waste feedstock
- Benefits for use on agricultural land, drawn from peer reviewed research and comparisons to conventional fertilisers
- Information on the New Zealand accreditation schemes and a discussion of risks and their management related to contaminants
- A discussion of practical application and storage of biofertiliser
- A discussion of social considerations for the use of biofertilser in New Zealand
Digestate considered includes the liquid, sludge, and dry forms.
This literature review has drawn on local and international sources of scientific research, international certification schemes, and where appropriate or necessary, other forms of information such as technical publications or guidance from producers of biofertiliser. The review will aid BANZ in producing high quality, clear information sources for users and producers of biofertiliser. This document also highlights areas that require further study and investigation to support the implementation of an accreditation scheme that suits the unique needs and requirements of Aotearoa New Zealand.
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