DBPAS 01: Digestate Biofertiliser Producer Accreditation Scheme
The Digestate Biofertiliser Producer Accreditation Scheme is designed to offer comprehensive support and advocacy to anaerobic digestion facilities within New Zealand and Australia producing Fertmark certified digestate biofertilisers. Herewith referred to as ‘the Scheme’, its role is to assist and promote the production of renewable energy and fertilisers from the anaerobic digestion of source segregated biodegradable organic materials. Consisting of annual certification, the Scheme ensures certified biofertiliser producers have demonstrated to an independent party their ability to deliver quality biofertiliser and they have the quality assurance processes and procedures in place to consistently deliver these products.
Administered by the Bioenergy Association, the Scheme provides significant benefits to certified digestate biofertiliser producers and verifies that facilities producing Fertmark certified digestate biofertilisers are working to industry best practice. Using learning from both national and international experiences and focusing on continuous improvement, the Scheme offers support in relation to training, technology and procedures and informs digestion facility owners of the importance of quality biofertilisers.
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