IEA Bioenergy - Task 32 - Biomass combustion and co-firing
Options for increased use of ash from biomass combustion and co-firing
This report provides an overview on present practices in ash management from biomass (co)combustion, based on country reports for experiences in 6 member countries of Task 32, namely Austria, Canada, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Sweden. Other members in IEA Bioenergy task 32 that contributed were South Africa, Denmark and the United Kingdom. The report consists of a short overview section, giving the main highlights and conclusions that can be extracted from the country reports. This overview also provides a separate table with the utilization practices. The country reports for Austria, Canada, Italy, the Netherlands and Sweden are added as separate appendices to this report. Read the report
Bioenergy for heat - the hot cases
Heat makes up about half of the global final energy usage, while electric power and transportation fuels together make up the other half of the end use. Fossil fuels are today the predominant source for heating (about 80%), However, in many countries there is enough sustainable biomass available to substitute all fossil fuels that are used for heating today. Switching from fossil fuel fired boilers to biomass fired boilers could decarbonise 40% of the global energy end use!
This Task 32 resulted in fifteen case studies that show real life examples of modern and sustainable heating as well as co-generation of green power through biomass firing.
Read summary report of the cases
Best practice report on decentralised biomass fired CHP plants and status of biomass fired small- and micro scale CHP technologies
In this report the most relevant technologies, as they are steam engines, ORC applications, Stirling engines and thermoelectric generators, the most important technical parameters together with operational results and experiences as well as boundary conditions for application are described and presented in fact sheets.
The future role of Thermal Biomass Power in renewable energy systems - a study of Germany
The global energy supply system is in a transition from a centralized system dominated by dispatchable fossil-based sources to a system that is based on renewable energy sources. In countries where wind and solar are expected to play a dominant role in the energy transition, the integration of these energy sources in the power system places pressure on the grid operation as their supply is variable and non-dispatchable. This raises the challenge of balancing demand and supply in the power grid, especially in hours with low generation from wind and solar and given the fact that often these sources are generating when demand is low.