Industrial bioenergy use

Industrial bioenergy use - updated methodology to estimate demand, MBIE report 2016


Estimated industrial bioenergy demand in New Zealand has been updated for 2016 using a new methodology. Total bioenergy demand including cogeneration from wood and black liquor has been estimated as 50.16 Gross PJ in 2016, showing a small decrease to the from 2015 at 50.78 PJ. However the methodology update, resulted in the total bioenergy demand being composed of 7.4 percent less black liquor and 6.5 percent more wood fuel consumption in 2016 compared to previous years.

Industrial bioenergy demand is split in to demand for process heat use and cogeneration and is published by MBIE in the annual energy balance tables. In 2016 the amount of bioenergy used for cogeneration is slightly lower at 4.66 PJ than in 2015 at 4.84.

This document sets out details of the updated methodology used to estimate industrial bioenergy demand.  More details about the wood processing sector’s fuel use can be found in the Energy Use data sheet published on the MBIE Industrial Process Heat Action Plan webpage.

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