Information Sheet 17: Carehomes, resthomes and hospital facilities using wood fuel

The large number of heat plant now running on wood pellets or chips in New Zealand in the retirement and health sectors shows great potential for others to follow suit, as does the number of different parties offering heat plant installation and conversion services.  There are a number of obvious advantages to using wood pellets or chips, the most obvious of which is that compared to coal they are a relatively clean burning and sustainable fuel with added advantages including ease of use, cleaning and maintenance.  

Cost and current condition will always be a factor in anyone's choice of fuel and heat plant technology.  Many for example have funded replacement of their existing heat plant and shifted from coal or LPG to chips or pellets in the process.  Others have been able to convert existing heat plants from coal and/or LPG to run on chips or pellets.  For the nine heat plant listed in this information sheet, the total capacity is just over 4,000 kW.

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