National Exotic Forest Description 2016


The 2016 National Exotic Forest Description (NEFD) report provides a detailed description of New Zealand's production forests as at 1 April 2016.

National Exotic Forest Description (NEFD)It represents an estimate of the net stocked area of the planted production exotic forest estate with the primary intention of producing wood or wood fibre.

New Zealand’s planted production forest description is published annually to assist with resource policy planning and development. It provides data for government policy advice, to meet a range of international reporting obligations and to assist with infrastructure planning decisions.  The information is also a useful starting point for investigating wood processing opportunities in New Zealand.

Forest data

Much of this report’s content consists of detailed tables that show the planted production forest area by age class and territorial authority. This information is provided for key species. For radiata pine, the area by age class tables are also provided by silviculture regime.  The full list of tables is in the contents section of the report.