NZ Plantation Forest Industry - Facts and Figures 2011-12

The 2011/12 edition of New Zealand Plantation Forest Industry Facts & Figures, produced by the Forest Owners Association in co-operation with the Ministry for Primary Industries, presents a compelling summary of this important industry.

front cover imageIt portrays a sector that contributes around three percent of New Zealand’s GDP, and generates export earnings of $4.7 billion per year. The availability of this detailed information reflects the decades of co-operation between the industries that supply the data, and the government agencies that compile the databases. Importantly, it also describes a plantation forest resource that has the potential to increase the available volume of wood harvested from 25 million cubic metres to 35 million cubic metres per year by 2023. This provides a platform for economic growth in the forest industries, and for New Zealand. What is built upon that platform will depend upon decisions and actions taken over the next few years.

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