Options to reduce New Zealand's process heat emissions
Report prepared by Dr Martin Atkins, Energy Research Centre, University of Waikato
The New Zealand Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy (NZEECS) 2017-2022 committed MBIE and EECA to prepare an action plan for mitigating the greenhouse gas emissions impact of process heat in New Zealand. To meet this commitment the Process Heat in New Zealand (PHiNZ) project was initiated and this work will contribute to PHiNZ. The purpose of this work was to identify, quantify and cost mitigation options to reduce the GHG emissions associated with the use of process heat in New Zealand. The information supplied by the work will inform:
- analysis and policy development, both by MBIE and EECA as part of PHiNZ but also by the Ministry for the Environment (MfE) as part of its wider climate change work;
- priority areas for action by government;
- process heat users about their emissions profile;
- process heat users of possible options to mitigate their emissions.