Contaminants Present in Organic Waste: Phase 3 Recommendations Report

image: 2.	Contaminants Present in Organic Waste: Phase 3 Recommendations Report


The Ministry for the Environment (MfE) commissioned Eunomia Research & Consulting, Whetū Consulting Group, and Massey University, to examine issues of contaminants in organic waste. The project aims to understand and address the challenges posed by contaminants in our organic waste material streams in order to mitigate risks to soil, human and animal health and expand end markets for processed organic waste. The project outputs will build on existing knowledge and standards and provide clear action recommendations for addressing the contaminants challenge.

The report is one of a series in the project’s three phases:

Phase 1: Review of Regulations and Guidelines

  • Establish framework
  • Review of NZ standards regulations and guidelines
  • Review of international practice
  • Gap analysis and synthesis report

Phase 2: Engagement and End Markets

  • Develop stakeholder engagement plan
  • Tangata whenua engagement
  • Industry engagement
  • Analysis and reporting

Phase 3: Recommendations

  • Thresholds and framework report
  • Review by Tangata whenua and industry
  • Final recommendations (this report)

This report draws together the recommendations across the project, based on stakeholder input and the findings of the work to date. The recommendations aim to address the key gaps and priorities in terms of organic waste contamination and provide a set of solutions that will meet the objectives of the New Zealand Waste Strategy1. Central to the waste strategy is the concept of the circular economy enriched by Te Ao Māori.

Click here to read the full document.