Race for 2030 : Anaerobic digestion for electricity, transport and gas

Executive Summary

Race for 2030 -  Anaerobic Digestion for electricity, transport, and gas B5 Opportunity AssessmentThe aim of this Opportunity Assessment for Anaerobic Digestion (AD) in Australia is to deliver a research roadmap that identifies the most impactful projects to 2030 that create new markets and scale-up the biogas industry in Australia. As a part of this project, a rapid review was carried out to establish the state-of-the-art of AD in Australia, sustainable feedstock availability, reactor technology, market status, and technical and economic barriers to the current industry. The review examines the potential of the biogas market for electricity, transport and gas including opportunities in biogas upgrading and grid injection as well as applications of the beneficial use of digestate and the use of biogenic carbon dioxide (BioCO2).