Report: Air quality and environment
Improving PM10 Emission Factors from Industrial Boilers in New Zealand - Stage 1 prepared for Foundation for Science, Technology and Research by Emily Wilton, Melanie Baynes (Environet) and Jeff Bluett (NIWA), July 2008.
The main air contaminant of concern in most urban areas of New Zealand is particulate matter less than 10 microns in diameter (PM10). National environmental standards (NES) for PM10 were reduced in 2004 (effective from 2005) and specify a limited of 50 ug m-3 over 24 hours that is not to be exceeded more than once per year.
This standard is regularly exceeded in many of New Zealand's urban areas during the winter months. In most urban areas of New Zealand, solid fuel burning for domestic home heating is the main source of PM10. However, in some areas, air discharges from industry can contribute to elevated PM10.