Report: Large process heat users and energy efficiency in New Zealand

prepared for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority by PwC, July 2018

This report is about decision-making processes around energy efficiency and carbon emissions-reducing technologies and practices.  This report is structured as follows:

  1. Literature review – This section provides a review and appraisal of the literature and an international case study around decision making, including a review of the barriers and enablers to adoption of energy efficiency and carbon emissions-reducing technologies.
  2. Interview findings – This section outlines the main findings from interviews with process heat users, including the barriers they face in investing in energy efficiency and carbon emissions-reducing technologies, as well as any measures that have proved successful in overcoming these barriers.
  3. Discussion – This section relates, within an economic framework, the findings from interviews to observed barriers found in the literature review and the issues identified by participants in the workshop.
  4. Conclusion – This section concludes the research report and makes recommendations to EECA and the PHINZ project for further areas of research.

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