Report: UK moves to integrate agriculture and forestry
A Common Countryside Policy - Securing a prosperous green future after Brexit - In 2019, the United Kingdom will leave the European Union. This paper begins to imagine a rural future beyond Brexit – and beyond the Common Agricultural Policy - read full document
New Generations Plantations - Dialogue "Tree Plantations in the Landscape" - the dialogues include a mix of international and local participants, two days of field visits and two days of round table dialogue. The outcomes of the dialogue contribute to the development of a global narrative around the identified topics -
Benefits of a 20ha farm forest - The 20 hectare forest in this example, based on 75% productive conifer and 25% managed for environmental objectives, would allow the average Welsh farm to retain most of the land for sheep. Planting larger areas multiplies the private returns and public benefits. Establishing new forestry involves upfront capital investment which few farmers are able to afford. Therefore, adequate grants are essential to realise the potential of forestry to support farmers on the land - read full document
A comparison of forestry and hill farming; productivity and economic impact - This study makes a specific economic comparison between an established productive conifer forest at Eskdalemuir and agriculture on an equivalent area of land. These findings may not necessarily apply to other situations and egions of Scotland - read full document