Residual biomass fuel projections for New Zealand: 2024
Residual biomass fuel projections for New Zealand: 2024
Indicative availability by region and source
This report describes the woody biomass residue resources in New Zealand by volume, type, energy content, and region over time from 2024 to 2053 (~30 years). The focus is on existing resources derived from established forests, processing, residue streams etc. The estimated delivered costs of biomass supply in 2024 are included. These are estimated costs, which include a profit margin, and should be regarded as indicative only. They are not, and are not meant to be, a price.
This report is an update and expansion of the preceding work done in 2021/22. This analysis includes more resources; with the addition of A grade logs and stumps. The data on resources that were reported on in 2021/22 are updated based on the latest available information.
The potential for biomass supply from new forest, or bioenergy crop plantings such as short rotation coppice is not addressed here.
Links to related resources:
- Biomass fuel resource availability projections (IS43) - New Zealand is rich in biomass from wood and waste which can be used for combustion into energy.
- Sourcing biomass to meet the demand for biofuels in 2050 (IS61) - This Information Sheet provides a scenario of how much biomass and organic waste will be required to deliver 150PJ of consumer energy to New Zealanders in 2050. The scenario shows the likely different sources of biomass and organic waste.
- Residual biomass fuel projections for New Zealand: 2021 - This report is an update and expansion of the preceding work done in 2017. This analysis includes more resources; with the addition of port bark and shelter belt turnover.