Science symposium 2016: International biofuels developments

held at the Novotel Lakeside Hotel, Rotorua on 10 November 2016


The Bioenergy Association and Advanced Biofuels Research Network have combined to host a symposium including international and local speakers providing an update on the latest research and market activities for liquid biofuels.

A number of international researchers are in Rotorua for a week of IEA Bioenergy meetings.  This will provide a unique opportunity to hear a number of international experts speak at this symposium on their latest research activities and provide updates of the situation of liquid biofuels markets in their respective countries.

The event will cover all liquid transport biofuels, but will specifically be of interest for users of drop-in fuels in road transport, marine and aviation sectors to get an update on progress being made towards having these biofuels available for their applications. The Symposium is also an opportunity to meet others in the sector and get an update on global technology and fuel developments.

Use the links below to access event material


Brian Cox, Executive Officer Bioenergy Association
Ian Suckling, Research Leader, Bioenergy and Biofuels, Scion
Susan van Dyk and Jack Saddler, Forest Products Biotechnology/Bioenergy Group, University of British Columbia (Canada)
James D. (Jim) McMillan, Chief Engineer, National Bioenergy Centre, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), (USA)
Antonio Bonomi, Laboratório Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia do Bioetanol (Brazil)
Leif Jӧnsson, Department of Chemistry, KBC Chemical-Biological Centre, Umeå University (Sweden)
Bert van de Beld, Director Technology, BTG Biomas Technology Group BV (Netherlands) 
Nicolaus Dahmen, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany)
Alan Zacher, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA)
Professor Jim R Jones, Massey University (NZ)
Oseweuba Valentine, Univeristy of Otago (NZ)
Kaveh Shahbaz, The University of Auckland (NZ)
Solis Norton, Johne's Management Ltd (NZ)
Martin Atkins and Ian Suckling, The University of Waikato and Scion (NZ)