Submission: Biogas as an alternative to natural gas, March 2007

Submission: New Zealand Energy Strategy to 2050 - Biogas as an alternative to natural gas, (30 March 2007), prepared for the Ministry of Economic Development by Maunsell Ltd (part of the US-based AECOM group of companies).

Maunsell congratulates the Ministry of Economic Development for its Draft Energy Strategy to 2050 and appreciates the opportunity to contribute to its content. We are concerned that one of the most promising solutions to a potential energy crisis in New Zealand has not been considered in the Draft New Zealand Energy Strategy to 2050 and submit that significant consideration should be given to BIOGAS.

In this submission, we will explain the potential of biogas and point out how the Draft Energy Strategy could consider this new form of renewable energy.  We propose a separate, dedicated biogas strategy for New Zealand and are happy to make presentations to the Submissions Committee, the Ministry of Economic Development and other relevant government agencies.