Report: Towards a better exploitation of the technical potential of waste-to-energy

EU Commission JRC science for policy report, 2016
by Hans Saveyn, Peter Eder, Mark Ramsay, Grégoire Thonier, Kathryn Warren, Mathieu Hestin

Policy background and study objectives

The Energy Union strategy, launched by the European Commission in 2015, aims to bring greater energy security, sustainability and competitiveness to the European energy market. As part of the initiatives outlined in the Energy Union Package (COM (2015) 80 final), the Commission states its intention to further establish synergies between energy efficiency policies, resource efficiency policies and the circular economy. This will include providing information on the options for exploiting the potential of "waste-to-energy" in a Communication.  

The present study, initiated by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission at the end of 2015, aims to underpin the forthcoming Communication with a detailed techno-scientific assessment of the European waste-to-energy landscape. Three main objectives constitute the core of this assessment:

  1. to provide an analysis of the current use of waste for energy recovery in the EU;
  2. to provide an analysis of the technical improvement potential for waste-to-energy; and
  3. to provide an outlook on possible future developments in the waste-to-energy landscape.
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