Paper: Warmth from waste - a win-win synergy
The Background Paper for project development on District Energy from Waste, created by three associations active in the energy field (CEWEP, ESWET and Euroheat & Power through the DHC+ Technology Platform).
The Paper identifies the potential for enhancing the collaboration between the District Heating and Cooling (DHC) sector and the Waste-to-Energy (WtE) sector across Europe. The results are presented in the form of a list of activities that could be developed at the European level along with their respective potential impact. In 2009 the European Council set the objective for the EU to decarbonise its energy system by at least 80% below the 1990 level by 2050 without affecting general economic growth. The Directive on Energy from Renewable Sources (RES Directive) sets a 20% target for renewable energy by 2020. Current EU targets on waste will be revised during 2014 and are likely to become more ambitious: the amount of waste sent to landfill will be reduced and the demand for more sustainable waste treatment will increase.
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