Web151211: Bioenergy opportunities from new approach to science funding

A webinar presented by Kennie Tsui of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) held on Friday, 11th December 2015 at 2pm. 

Anyone with an interest in bioenergy science funding was welcome to attend.

The new approach to science funding announced by the Government puts emphasis on the outcomes of the research and doesn't try and slot the research into specific categories. The previous Energy and Minerals research funds has gone now and there is just one single fund where all research applications go. The aim of research is now to achieve excellent economic, environmental, and social outcomes.

MBIE has announced the 2016 Science Investment Round - The MBIE Contestable Research Fund is based on the National Statement of Science investment 2015-2025 which sets out Government’s 10 year strategic direction for New Zealand’s science system. The aim is to maximise the contribution of science to economic growth and environmental, health and social outcomes. This is in line with what the Bioenergy Association has been advocating  - moving the focus of bioenergy from energy as an input, to the benefits of bioenergy which are economic, employment and environmental outcomes.

The Government has reduced the current six funds to a single fund which should provide greater flexibility for bioenergy solutions to be included in science funding applications. This is an opportunity for the bioenergy sector to partner more with researchers and industry to ensure a greater focus on bioenergy solutions.  Webinar focus:

  • Outlined the new science funding
  • Obtained a briefing on the National Statement of Science investment 2015-2025 and its opportunities for bioenergy
  • Provided an opportunity to engage with MBIE with regard to how members of the bioenergy sector can get best value from this new funding arrangement.


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