Web180524: Opportunities for replacing coal with wood fuel for process heating

Process heating in New Zealand could be 100% from renewable energy instead of coal. A large part of that substitution could be from use of wood fuel.

There is potentially more than enough biomass to be used as fuel available from plantation forest harvesting residues, wood processing residues and managed farm forestry. However these sources of biomass are also feedstocks for other industries such as pulp and paper,engineered wood products, dairy stand-off pads and liquid biofuel production. As a consequence the wood fuel suppliers are working with land and forest owners to ensure that there is a secure long term supply of biomass able to be processed into wood fuel.  With a future wood fuel supply as good as can be delivered from coal, the focus has to be on the roadmap for expanding the use of wood fuel to match the expanding supply of wood fuel.  Analysis shows that a managed transition from coal to wood fuel is achievable by focusing on medium scale heat plant and in some sectors.

This webinar will outline the work that the Bioenergy Association has been doing that shows that we can achieve substitution of 720MWth of heat plant by 2040 with a consequential total greenhouse gas emission reduction of 2.2 MT CO2-e pa over the next 22 years, and a 902 MWth amount of substitution by 2050 with a total of 4.3 Mt CO2-e pa emissions reduction over the 32 year period.  A brief outline will also be provided on the possible barriers to achieving these targets and what can be done to ensure these barriers do not arise.  Achieving this amount of coal substitution will put a significant dent in the amount of international carbon credits we would otherwise have to purchase. The saved expenditure being recycled into the NZ economy rather than a present to another country.  

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About the presenter

John Gifford has been Programme Leader for the Wood Energy activities of Bioenergy Association for the last 6 years. He has over 30 years experience with forestry and bioenergy.  Major roles have included:  NZ Team Leader for Task 32 IEA Bioenergy “Biomass Combustion and Co-firing”; NZ Representative, IEA Bioenergy Executive Committee; and Science Manager, Scion’s Bioenergy programme (2000-2007).

John provides Consulting services related to the utilisation of woody fuels and feedstocks; wood fuel supply systems and value chains; combustion systems and co-firing.

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