Web180926: Evaluation of heat plant opportunities
Heat plant are long term investments with economic lives often over 30 years. This means that the evaluation of technology options needs to take into account the life-cycle costs and benefits of each option.
Bioenergy Association has prepared a best practice Technical Guide for life cycle analysis of heat plant projects. This Guide is intended to provide guidance to advisers and decision makers considering installation of heat plant, and provide a methodology and tools.
This webinar was to workshop the draft Technical Guide 14 - Evaluation of heat plant opportunities and discuss it prior to finalisation.
About the presenter
Mike Suggate has more than 40 years of management, commercial and technical experience gained in a wide range of energy, manufacturing and distribution businesses.
Mike has strong commercial and financial skills and a focus on project business case analysis and writing. He has applied his extensive business management and project development experience, and extensive technical expertise covering all energy and electricity technologies to advising on the commercial development of energy opportunities.
Access to webinar recording and slides
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