Web181129: Three demonstration wood energy applications
About the webinar
The webinar was an in depth discussion on three recently installed wood energy heating applications. A recent review of the applications had produced a number of learnings which were shared with others doing similar projects. The applications were written up as case studies and are available to anyone doing similar projects:
- Heat for horticulture hot houses
- University student residence
- Community health centre
The case studies show a number of aspects that worked well, or could have been done differently for each application. The webinar covered all aspects of each application and attendees were given the chance to discuss with the presenter details about the heating equipment, fuel supply and fuel storage. Each of the applications have been operating for a while so commissioning and operational strengths and weaknesses are now apparent. The three applications discussed were:
- Community Health Centre, Tapanui - Case Study 06
- University Hall of Residence - Carrington College - Case Study 07
- Commercial nursery - Zealandia Horticulture, Christchurch - Case Study 08
About the presenter
Before wood energy was on the broader radar screen, Rob established the supply of biomass to Golden Bay Cement in Whangarei to replace over 300,000GJ per year of coal, as well as the recovery of 30,000T per year of log-making residue from the Kinleith forest for use as boiler fuel at the pulp mill. In 2003 Rob moved on to establish Living Energy and later Wood Energy Australia, which between them have installed over 40,000kW of wood-fired boilers across multiple sites – from sawmills and swimming pools to schools, universities, hotels, waste water treatment plants and hospitals – putting them amongst those at the forefront of this field.
With several wood boiler suppliers now operating in this part of the world, Rob has now adopted a role as a specialist adviser on wood energy opportunities, providing practical advice and feasibility studies to clients around Australasia, incorporating lessons learnt from multiple wood boiler installations, as well as from hundreds of other wood energy projects studied. A particular area of focus is the design and supply of Wood Fuel Reception, Storage and Recovery solutions, to optimise this vital aspect of wood energy projects.
Accessing the recording and slides
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