Web191023: Sweden - a benchmark for biofuels in heavy transport

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Sweden is a benchmark for the kickstarting of biofuels for heavy transport and has one of the highest uses in Europe.

As Sweden discovered, there are no silver bullets for adopting low carbon transport and government policies have to make sure that we target a well-to-wheel approach. Key to getting biofuels across the line is ‘partnerships’ i.e. Government, Transport industry, Fuel producers etc. no single party can do it alone.  What is also interesting to note is that with biofuels one can leapfrog straight into Euro 6 when the ‘dirty’ imported fuel is taken into consideration. This will also give a major reduction in CO2 reduction thus making a difference to GHG emissions.

The approach to heavy transport driving Sweden is that “Electric vehicles run on power derived from clean energy will be crucial in propelling road freight towards sustainability, but such transport solutions are still years away – while alternative liquid and gaseous fuels have the potential to deliver real benefits, both environmental and commercial, today.”  Attendees heard:

  • How Sweden has approached the adoption of biofuels
  • Why Sweden is a benchmark for New Zealand and Australia
  • How one OEM has recognised that while they are also part of the problem, they now see themselves as part of the solution.

The Bioenergy Association invited anyone interested in learning how we can kick start the use of biofuels for heavy transport to attend this webinar.

Background reading

  • Summary of the potential for liquid biofuels in New Zealand is available here - Information Sheet 33

Attendance at this webinar was FREE courtesy of EECA Business.

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