Web210225: How to get best prices when selling electricity from small scale generation

This webinar was held on 25 February 2021 at 2pm (NZDT). Attendance was FREE courtesy of EECA.

How to access the webinar recording and slides

About this webinar

Electricity can be generated from biomass and organic waste for embedded on-site use, or for sale to other parties.  The economics of small-scale generation such as up to 1MW-e can be good if it offsets purchase of expensive market electricity during peak demand periods.  With storable energy such as in biogas the generation can be scheduled to occur when market electricity is expensive, such as during peak demand.

About the presenter

Roy Netzer is Director of Power Edge Limited.  Roy designed, marketed and built solar and storage systems for 23 years.  The three largest solar thermal projects in New Zealand and the Pacific were  delivered on time and budget thanks to his creative technical and  entrepreneurial  approach.  

His latest initiative, Power Edge, is a tier 1 power retailer, aiming to supply 100% renewable power, while maximising  return on investment on all generating assets.