Web220216: Testing solid biofuels
A webinar presented by Alex Bruce, Manager of Pentarch Technical Services Laboratory.
Wood fuel suppliers and their customers should understand what is involved in verification testing. This webinar explained how tests are undertaken in the laboratory and how results are presented.
With the growth in the sale and purchase of solid biofuels the assurance that fuel delivered meets contract specification needs to be confirmed by external third-party laboratory testing.
For optimal boiler performance the fuel delivered must meet the fuel specification for the boiler. The properties of the solid biofuel are specified in contract purchasing specifications for the fuel. If the fuel delivered is out of specification, then the user may have fuel handling issues such as infeed blockages, unsafe boiler operation or pay for some boiler fuel which is not fuel but in fact water. Higher moisture fuel has a lower calorific value.
Recommended fuels properties are described in Bioenergy association Technical Guide1: Solid Biofuel Classification Guidelines which is based on international standards.
The main verification tests for solid boiler fuel are:
- Moisture content,
- Size
- % Ash
- Bulk density
- Available Energy – Calorific value KJ/Kg
A contract will normally specify that testing of these parameters is undertaken at specified intervals and samples are to be sent to a suitable external testing laboratory. Verification testing complements the supplier’s own Quality Control testing, and testing done by the customer.
This webinar explained how tests are undertaken in the laboratory and how results are presented. Wood fuel suppliers and their customers should understand what is involved in verification testing.
Access the 16 February 2022 webinar recording
A webinar presented by Alex Bruce, Manager of Pentarch Technical Services Laboratory. Wood fuel suppliers and their customers should understand what is involved in verification testing. This webinar explained how tests are undertaken in the laboratory and how results are presented. |
About the presenter
Alex Bruce is the manager of Pentarch Technical Services (PTS) laboratory based in Kawerau, New Zealand. He brings to the role an extensive background in laboratory analysis with specialist knowledge of wood and industrial adhesives and their application.
The PTS laboratories have provided a range of wood and herbaceous material testing services for clients throughout New Zealand and Australia for over 25 years. Testing wood fuel ensures that fuel supplied meets contract specifications