Web240220: Bioenergy options for firming electricity supply in the event of hydro dry years

NZ Battery Project-webinar banner-20 Feb 2024

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About the webinar

Over the last few years, the previous Government investigated options to ensure sufficient energy storage for electricity generation in the event of future low rainfall resulting in inadequate hydro lake storage. Options investigated included energy storage from gaseous, liquid and solid biofuels.

New Zealand’s ‘dry year problem’ is when our existing hydro-power catchments don’t receive enough rainfall or snowmelt and the level of the storage lakes runs low. When this occurs some form of back-up is needed, and this is currently provided by fossil fuel generation.

The NZ Battery Other Technologies Project was undertaken to explore ways to solve the dry year problem in New Zealand without using fossil fuel.

  • View a presentation on all the other technologies investigated by the NZ Battery Other Technologies Project. One of the alternative options investigated was bioenergy. This presentation will focus on the alternative bioenergy options evaluated.

The Bioenergy Association invited anyone interested in how bioenergy can firm future electricity supply in the event of a hydro dry year to attend this presentation.

About the presenter

I am Lindsay Robertson, originally of Dunedin. I’m a professional engineer (Mechanical) by background. 

My first job was with NZ Forest Service, at the time when they were replacing some very old wood-fired boilers, followed by a stint on the construction of Huntly Power Station. Since then, I’ve carried out detailed boiler design with FWPP, worked in the consulting field with Parsons Brinckerhoff and now WSP.

I’ve had a few career excursions into food processing and technology vulnerability but maintained a strong interest in energy, combustion, and bioenergy topics.