WoodScape Study Reports
Woodco’s Strategic Action Plan for the NZ forest and wood processing industry is to increase the volume of wood processed in New Zealand to add value to our forest product exports. The WoodScape study is the result of direct collaboration between the forest and wood products industry and the NZ Ministry for Primary Industries and NZ Trade and Enterprise.
Capitalising on a similar, large scale exercise undertaken in Canada and operating in partnership with Scion, FP Innovations Canada made their modelling tool available to evaluate wood processing investment opportunities in a New Zealand setting.
A summary of findings of the Woodscape report as well as the detailed study reports can be found below and on the Wood Council’s website.
- The media release, 4 June 2013
- Bioenergy Association media statement, 13 June 2013
WoodScape study findings and reports:
- WoodScape Summary (plain english), June 2013
- WoodScape Study - Technology and Markets: a detailed description of the individual technologies and markets for their products.
- WoodScape Study – Regional Wood Processing Options: an analysis of wood processing opportunities in five regions throughout New Zealand, Feb 2013.
- WoodScape Study - summary report, Feb 2013
An important outcome of the study was the WoodScape model which can now be offered by Scion on a commercial basis to work with individuals, companies, regional councils, Iwi and investors to provide more site-specific assessments of wood processing technologies or groups of technologies.